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Data visualization consulting

Empowering business users to make decisions by visualizing and interacting with data

Although a large number of organizations continue to work and distribute data mainly from Excels, Power Points or individually in each management program, there are already many companies that are unifying and analyzing their data with Business Intelligence applications.

Boosting your company with Business Intelligence

A Business Intelligence is a program that allows you to build interactive analyzes from an organization's own data (from KPIs, graphs, maps, tables, etc). They are highly efficient in processing large volumes of information and allow the user to answer business questions by filtering the information and browsing through it with just a few clicks or directly using natural language.

At Prenomics we help companies both to start and to evolve in their use of Business Intelligence. Proposing uses that allow unlocking new dimensions of data analysis.

01Business Intelligence Application Design

  • We globally conceptualize the BI application prioritizing the final needs of the business user. Being proactive in proposing graphs and forms of analysis adapted to the user's level.

  • We design the final result of the BI application screens, defining ways of viewing and interacting with data that facilitate the detection of insights and respond quickly to business questions.

Implementation of Business Intelligence applications

  • We build the data model following best practices.

  • We reproduce the conceptual design in a BI software that allows visualization and interaction with the data and we deliver the turnkey application.

  • Intelek Business Intelligence allows us to offer highly customized analytical solutions.

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Estamos encantados de convertir tus necesidades en oportunidades de crecimiento basadas en datos para tu empresa.